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CSS Tutorial and CSS Codes

In creating a CSS Tutorial using CSS Codes, it's hard to separate CSS and Javascript and HTML, since good DHTML uses them all in various combinations. If you're after CSS page layout, right off the bat I can offer The Many CSS Page Layout Techniques so that you can examine the various issues around CSS page layout. You may have noticed that CSS1 and CSS2 lack a column property so web page column layout is awkward at best. Well, like the opacity property, it's being put into the W3C CSS3 specification, but it will take many years before the CSS3 specification is available in anything like a universal scale. In the meantime, we all must be content to focus our CSS efforts on trying to make up for a few of the glaring defects of CSS. The good news is that there are a ton of useful tools in the CSS toolbox. The bad news is that they forgot the "hammer,"—a way to render columns decently as well as print such pages. It's almost like the people that created HTML and CSS never even considered that anyone would want to use columns in their web pages. You can almost hear these guys saying: "Duhhhhhhhh—whatdaya want them thar thingies for?"

Anyway, in our CSS Tutorial and CSS codes directory, we'll look into various aspects of the inevitable combination of CSS, Javascript, and HTML, dwelling especially on the DHTML possibilities of this combination, which give each other web design power that is intriguing and fun, usually, but occasionally nutty and frustrating. There are hundreds of issues dealt with revolving around such things as Browser Insanity, JavaScript, Animation, Buttons and Menus, and of course CSS and HTML.

The Browser Insanity section asks the question: "What could they have been thinking?" because some of the dysfunctionality in browsers is mind boggling, amazing, and even jaw-dropping!

The JavaScript section will assist you with various Javascript issues, from the easy to the hard, the beginners level to the expert level. CSS without Javascript is like Popeye without spinach.

The Animation section will assist you with getting things to do something on the screen, which is one of the coolest parts of DHTML.

The Buttons and Menus section will help you with the navigational aspects of website design, especially buttons and menus.

Finally, the CSS and HTML section lays out various CSS and HTML aspects of site design in what adds up to a CSS Tutorial, with the use of various CSS codes illustrated in examples we feel will be of significant value in your designing experience. Let us know if this site helps you as a webmaster. We've tried to pull together in one place most of the key aspects of DHTML, HTML, Javascript, and CSS you'll need to know that are NOT clearly explained elsewhere, in books or on other website design related sites, especially those focused on CSS and Javascript. We await your feedback. Thank you for choosing CSS-Resources today!

Here's a few helpful links to get you started on your CSS journey:

Collapsing Margins

Borders around Inline Elements

Fussy Font Shorthand Property

How to Make Border Variations Work

Use Your Own Image in Place of Bullets

Ways to Have Your Web Page Jump Focus to a Certain Spot on a Page Using a Text or Image Link or a Button with an Event Handler

Div Box Positioning with Absolute and Relative Positioning

The Many CSS Page Layout Techniques

Dealing with User Text Enlargement for Accessibility

Dealing with Bullet Loss When The Image is Left of The Unordered List

Making an Image Enlarge When The Mouse Cursor Is Hovering Over It

Dealing with the message--Click to activate and use this control--with ActiveX controls like Embed, Object, and Applet