padding0, margin:0 20px 0 84%, abs positioning but no left or top, 1ST DIV IN CODE
padding0, margin:10px 0 0 42%, abs positioning but no left or top, 2ND DIV IN CODE
padding0, margin:10px 0 0 0, no positioning, 3RD DIV IN CODE
padding0, margin0, no positioning, 4TH DIV IN CODE
padding0, margin:10px 0 0 10px, no positioning, 5TH DIV IN CODE
padding:10px 0 0 10px, margin0, no positioning, 6TH DIV IN CODE
padding:10px 0 0 10px, margin0, abs positioning with left and top, 7TH DIV IN CODE
padding:30px, margin0, abs positioning with left and top, 8TH DIV IN CODE
360wide which is what the div boxes below should be INCLUDING MARGINS
one div only, div is 250 width, margin25, border10, padding20, but with padding and borders the total pixel width 'should' be 310 but it's 250
IE fix: outer div is 310width, margin25; inner div is border10, padding20; correct total pixel width of 310 is achieved via outer div with width and margin and inner div with border and padding only
big div, position:relative, height180px, no margin or padding, all 4 divs nest in this div;
abs position 1st
top40%, left25%
abs position 2nd
abs position 3rd
top40%, left75%
abs position 4th
all the 4 box's absolute positioned measurements are relative to the top left of big div