JavaScript Tutorials
The JavaScript tutorials linked to below contain a wealth of JavaScript info for anyone from beginners to experts. Here is a great source of help with javascript, whether you need javascript tutorials for beginners or advanced javascript tutorials. There are tutorials on functions, arrays, web page adjustments, timing, document.write(), events, status bar, the DOM (document object model), dot notation, CSS style properties tweaking, conversion, cursors, concatenation, images, innerHTML, pop-ups, tooltips, windows, regular-expression, input validation, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), converting back and forth from PHP to JavaScript, includes, and much more. So check out our free javascript tutorials. Comments are welcome!
Incidentally, these are not just scripts we threw together without testing. We tested everything on the site before it went into these site pages. And they are not just slapped onto the website without explanation. There are tutorials that accompany each of our free JavaScript scripts. If you take the time to read our pages, the least we can do is take the time to test the scripts and explain them. We are more likely to over-explain than under-explain, which is perfect for you beginners out there. If you like our scripts, a link to our site would be much appreciated!
The worst thing about JavaScript isn't even about JavaScript. It's about the 5% of users who keep it turned off. Tons of websites work either poorly or not at all with JavaScript turned off. Except for the simplest web pages, there really isn't any alternative to JavaScript for much of what happens on websites, even if Google and others pretend otherwise. Adjusting pages for various browsers, decent menu systems, necessary mouse cursor coordinate getting, animation—the list is endless. Ajax needs JavaScript to even work at all, and it's a huge improvement to page refreshes that are so often needed otherwise. How, we ask, can we hope to do chat scripts without JavaScript plus Ajax? As you may or may not know, Ajax allows page update without page refresh—the definition of chat script function. No Ajax, no chat. Unless you consider a flickering site—that redraws all images and text and navigation over and over until you get seizures from the flickers—a good site! And yes, we do have good chat script tutorials on this site.
If you need some really valuable info on how to use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in PHP and JavaScript to convert strings and arrays from PHP to JavaScript, you'll find it in our JSON tutorial. We use it often in our scripts. To use it, make sure your host server has PHP 5.2 or higher enabled on the server. It is enabled by default in PHP, but if your host has it disabled, have him enable it. Most hosting plans include MySQL databases and JSON-enabled PHP 5.2 or better. PHP added a JavaScript Object Notation—JSON—extension to PHP 5.2, which was previously only available as an add-on, and it is now standard stuff in codes with both PHP and JavaScript in them. You want a huge string array converted into a JavaScript array? No problem with JSON. Try it without JSON—and rots-o-ruck!
There are all kinds of JavaScript pop-up scripts and tooltip scripts in our tutorials. You think up a script you'll be needing, and you're nearly certain to find it in our scripts. There are plenty of image enlarging scripts, timing scripts, rollover scripts, image rotator scripts, etc. The good thing is that we took the time to write the tutorials as well as the time to test these scripts before putting them on our site.
W3Schools has said that "JavaScript is THE scripting language of the Web." Google has said that "Enabling JavaScript is required for many search features to work." JavaScript, also known as ECMAScript, is a prototype-based, object-oriented scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. But who cares what this means, right? Because what you and we care about is all the cool stuff you can do with it, as you can see below. Whether it's animation, form validation, cross-browser screen adjustments, rollovers, image rotators, or other neat stuff, the bottom line is that JavaScript is very neat stuff. In combination with PHP it's even better. Throw in Ajax and JSON and you've got the recipe for wonderful website, great applications, and endless hours of fun!
Can I remove duplicates from an array?
How can I convert a Javascript array to a PHP array?
How do you Post a JavaScript Array to a PHP Array?
How can I get an array whose name is in a different array?
Code for getting an array whose name is in a different array
JavaScript Charts, Graphs, and Graphics
JavaScript Charts, Graphs, Graphics, Circles, Ellipses, Arcs, Lines, and Polygons
Grab and Drop, Not Drag and Drop
Add Ids and onClicks and Grab and Drop to Divs
Make Anti-alias (Almost) Lines
Make Anti-alias (Almost) Lines Using Bresenham's Line Algorithm
Good JavaScript Circle Algorithm
Good JavaScript Ellipse Algorithm
Make JavaScript Irregular Polygon
JavaScript Area of Irregular Polygon Algorithm
Make Line Chart from User-Inputted Data
Make Line Chart from MySQL Table Data
Make Bar Chart from User-Inputted Data
Make Bar Chart from MySQL Table Data
Make Pie Chart from User-Inputted Data
Make Pie Chart from MySQL Table Data
When is an "if" conditional best and when is "switch" best?
How can I make images enlarge when the mouse cursor hovers over them?
How can I make images enlarge off to the side when the mouse cursor hovers over them?
How can I make images enlarge above a row of thumbnails when the mouse cursor hovers over them?
How can I make images enlarge or be replaced when the mouse cursor hovers over them?
What Are Fifteen Simple Methods of Doing Web-Page Pop-ups?
What is The CSS Height and Width Properties Pop-up Method?
What is The IE createPopup Pop-up Method?
What is The Window Pop-up Method?
What is The CSS Color Properties Pop-up Method?
What is The Banner Animator Pop-up Method?
What is The CSS Opacity Property Pop-up Method?
What is The setTimeout Pop-up Method?
What is The DOM setAttribute Pop-up Method?
What is The DOM appendChild Pop-up Method?
What is The CSS Z-index Property Pop-up Method?
What is The CSS Visibility Property Pop-up Method?
What is The Hide Div Outside Page Area Pop-up Method?
What is The CSS Display Property Pop-up Method?
What is The Art of Using an Overlay Mask with Your Pop-up Method?
Self closing rectangular tooltip that includes links
TEST PAGE: Self closing rectangular tooltip that includes links
Simplest version of a popup div timer
TEST PAGE: Simplest version of a popup div timer
rectangular tooltips getting data from mysql db using ajax
rectangular tooltips getting data from php file using ajax
TEST PAGE: rectangular tooltips getting data from php file using ajax
rectangular tooltips getting data from js file
TEST PAGE: rectangular tooltips getting data from js file
TEST PAGE: rectangular tooltips
balloon tooltips that follow the cursor
TEST PAGE: balloon tooltips that follow the cursor
TEST PAGE: popup div advertisements
TEST PAGE: more tooltips using CSS only
Why doesn't innerHTML act consistently cross-browser or cross-platform?
Is DOM or innerHTML faster executing?
What are some tips for using the innerHTML property to script JavaScript for the various browsers?
What's the best way to browser-sniff (detection) in a cross-browser, cross-platform context?
Printing all or part of a page without the need for printer-friendly pages
What's the best way to utilize sounds in a cross-browser, cross-platform context?
Effective embedded sounds avoiding ActiveX
CSS Style Changes
What are the CSS style properties that are the easiest to change using W3C DOM methods?
How can I change an element’s class using W3C DOM methods?
Can for loops be used to change style property values on a range of elements?
Regular Expressions
What is a regular expression general input validator?
What is a regular expression user name validator?
What is a regular expression password validator?
What is a regular expression email validator?
What is a regular expression URL validator?
User Prints Validated Form to Send by Snail Mail
PHP, JSON, and JavaScript
How do you Convert PHP String to JavaScript String?
How do you do PHP-to-JavaScript String Conversion with No JSON?
How do you send a value to PHP using JavaScript?
AJAX Return Array in Xmlhttp ResponseText
AJAX Return String and Array in One Xmlhttp responseText without Implode
AJAX Return String and Array in One Xmlhttp responseText with Implode
AJAX Return Two Arrays in One Xmlhttp responseText
AJAX Synchronous and Asynchronous Together
cms view website directory with dynamic descriptions and thumbnails
Ajax and PHP Based Insult Auto Completer
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically using separate links per URL and Ajax
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically using Ajax
Ajax and PHP Based Input Filter
How can I Dynamically Create Input Boxes with Validation?
How can I add form input boxes dynamically with a loop?
Can I load an image from an if statement in the body?
What can I use for mouse coordinate reading?
How can I use the JavaScript eval() function for dealing with rollovers?
Programming Issues
How does BASIC compare with JavaScript?
Can I use an alert dialog for debugging and can it print the current value of a variable?
What's the best way to clear the status bar?
What's the best way to display a message on the status bar?
What is javascript:void(0) and how is it used?
Can I run a function inside another function?
Where can I find a simple decimal-to-hexadecimal converter?
What's the best way to preserve a variable between web pages?
Global Variables or Parameter Passing?
JavaScript allow only 10 checkbox inputs to be submitted
JavaScript Script: detailed validation of dates within a range
Security levels from Javascript and PHP input filtering
Security Levels from Captchas and PHP Input Filtering
Exiting from a PHP Form Validator
How do I add html to a web page with JavaScript, PHP or ssi includes?
How do I add html to a web page with JavaScript includes?