The more links you have to your site, the more traffic you'll get!

If you are interested in having a link to your web site in our link directory to increase your site's traffic, please follow the steps below.

1. Be sure we are a good match. Who are your visitors? Will a visit to our site complement their visit to your site, and visa versa? We will review your site prior to including your link on our pages.

2. Next, link to us! We require a link from your website to ours prior to putting your link in our directory.

   a. Select one of the link-to-us options on the CSS-Resources link-to-us page or choose one of the link-to-us options at the top of A Glass Half Full's links page.

   b. Grab one of our links or banners and put it on your site.

3. After your link to our site is on your site, fill out ALL THE FIELDS on the following form by selecting and copying our form (everything beneath the line below) into your email program where you can fill it out and email us.
Email us .
You're invited to submit your website link to our directory



                OUR FORM

* Your Name:

* Your Email Address:

* Website Title:

* Your Web Address:

* Location of your link to us:

* Site Description:

* Link Category:

* Link Subcategory:


Website Title is the title of your website: (This will be the text for your link on our site.) (Example: Joe's Model Railroad Layouts )

Your website address is the page on your site where we'll direct our link. (Include the entire URL.) (Example: )

Location of your link to us is the page on your site where you have placed your link to us: (Include the entire URL.) (Example: ) Please note: Do not submit this form until you have placed a link to us on your site. If we cannot immediately find your link to us by clicking the URL in "Location of your link to us" above, your submission will be discarded.

Please go to this page to select the link to us (from the link-to-us selections at the upper right corner of the page) that you can place on your site.

Site Description Text: (Describe your products or services. Please be clear and concise.)

Here are some Link Category examples: Computers and Software, Disability, Fire, Railroading, Website Development, Your Health, Other

Here are some Link Subcategory examples: Ability Resources and Supplies, Fire Fighting and Management, Fire Safety, Food, Health and Spirit, Magnetics, Massage, N-Scale Railroading, Good Health, Pain Relief, Railroad Info and Product Resources, Railroad Magazines, Technological Resources and Supplies, Water and Other Types of Fitness, Website Designers and Developers, Website Development Resources, Website Optimization and Testing, Website Template, Tools, Graphics, Other

Thank you!