Dealing with the message "Click to activate and use this control" with ActiveX controls like Embed, Object, and Applet
If your site has an ActiveX control and when your page loads the above message shows up, here's the fix. Make a short .js file like this (and name it embed.js or whatever) that will load your control since if you load this control with code on the page, they will see that darned message:
document.write('<embed src= quality=high bgcolor=#0000ff width=160 height=350 name=poll align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />')
The generic code for the above is document.write(control). This particular control is an embed to run a visitor poll. That annoying message kept popping up so I went to and learned how to fix it. The other code needed is to load in the stuff in the .js file on the fly from code in the body of the page with the rest of the HTML:
<div id="survey" style="position:absolute; z-index:3; left:44%; top:1630px; border:4px groove purple; width:160px; height:350px; background-color:purple;"><a name="p"></a><script type="text/javascript" src="embed.js"></script></div>