Free PHP Scripts and PHP Tutorials
Free PHP scripts and PHP tutorials linked to below contain a wealth of PHP info for anyone from beginners to experts. Here is a great source of help with PHP, whether you need PHP tutorials for beginners or advanced PHP tutorials. There are tutorials on interfacing PHP with MySQL databases, counters, polls, security, converting Javascript arrays to PHP arrays, functions, queries, interfacing PHP and Ajax, interfacing PHP with XPATH, writing nearly any type of file with PHP, and much more. So check out our free PHP tutorials. Comments are welcome!
But the main thing to keep in mind here is that OUR SITE HAS THE BIGGEST LIBRARY OF FREE, TESTED PHP APPLICATIONS WITH ACCOMPANYING SCRIPTS AND TUTORIALS OF ANY WEBSITE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET! See for yourself. There are plenty of sites with a couple of apps—often untested. There are tons of sites that explain commands, functions, techniques, etc., and they often give examples. Some of these are untested—they don't work entirely right or they don't work at all. Some sites have libraries of scripts with neither explanations nor evidence that they tested them. Some of the scripts are not free, while others don't even exist—their links go nowhere: they're broken. Some sites have a lot of hastly thrown together code with neither explanations nor evidence that they tested it that seems to have only the purpose of getting visitors to check out their ads. No site besides ours has a load of tested, free PHP applications with free PHP scripts and free PHP tutorials accompanying them.
The good news is that there are loads of PHP programmers willing to share opinions, ideas, scripts, classes, links, and advice. The bad news is that some of it is just the spreading of misinformation. Some of the scripts are simply bad—they do not work. We've tried plenty. There are some good scripts and good PHP sites out there. Also plenty of weak sites. But, like we say, we're very happy they're willing to share—we've gotten some cool and useful ideas from some sites. Even when they tried to do something and failed or shared a script that we tested and found it not to work—sometimes they had fine basic methods and ideas but simply had been too lazy to actually try out the scripts and fix the bugs in them before presenting them. At times these sites saved us time as their scripts gave us insights that saved us extra work. So: thanks, people.
We do not claim to have perfect code, nor do we claim our ways of doing things are the best ways, nor do we promise our code has no security holes (what code doesn't, in the final analysis?). But we do claim that WE HAVE TESTED OUR PHP CODES, SCRIPTS, AND APPLICATIONS AND MADE THEM WORK ON THE INTERNET before we were willing to share them on our website. This sets us apart from a ton of sites, and the fact that we have so many free, tested PHP applications that have been shown to work ALL ON ONE SITE puts us in a class by ourselves. If this is incorrect, show us where there are more such sites (and we don't mean directories full of untested junk, broken links, spammy ads, and code rip-offs—we mean serious apps with honest testing, real standards, and lack of "page not found" errors). So now it's time to put up or shut up. Here are the free PHP apps (with scripts and tutorials) found on our site:
PHP Application Index
- Chat Room Content Management System
- Article Content Management System
- Website Directory Content Management System
- Photo Gallery Content Management System
- Customer Records Management CMS
- Private Messaging Content Management System
- Blog Content Management System
- Forum Content Management System
- Address Book Content Management System
- Personal Status Board (PSB™)
- Site Indexing
- Site Search
- HTML Form Creator Content Management System
- Website Counter
- Captchas for Registrations, Logins, Polls, etc.
- Image Uploading without Needing Write Permissions
- Website Poll
- Guestbook
- Use PHP and MySQL for Checking Key Codes to Allow Update to a New Software App Version
- Register by email if you do not need to save registrant data in a MySQL table
- View the source code of a web page remotely
- Website Directory—without Websnapr (Demo)
- Ajax and PHP Based Input Filter
- List a Website's Audio Links Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- List a Website's Video Links Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- Grab Web Page Links and Video Links and Audio Links from Web Page
- List a Website's Images Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- List a Website's External Links Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- List a Website's Page Urls Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- List a Website's Page Descriptions Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- List a Website's Page Titles Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
- Get Links from Web Page Using XPATH and PHP
- Count and Alphabetize Words on a Web Page
- Search Website without Indexing Using XPATH and PHP
Incidentally, these are not just scripts we threw together without testing. We tested everything on the site before it went into these site pages. And they are not just slapped onto the website without explanation. There are tutorials that accompany each of our free PHP scripts. If you take the time to read our pages, the least we can do is take the time to test the scripts and explain them. We are more likely to over-explain than under-explain, which is perfect for you beginners out there. If you like our scripts, a link to our site would be much appreciated!
If you need some really valuable info on how to use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in PHP and JavaScript to convert strings and arrays from PHP to JavaScript, you'll find it in our JSON tutorial. We use it often in our scripts. To use it, make sure your host server has PHP 5.2 or higher enabled on the server. It is enabled by default in PHP, but if your host has it disabled, have him enable it. Most hosting plans include MySQL databases and JSON-enabled PHP 5.2 or better. PHP added a JavaScript Object Notation—JSON—extension to PHP 5.2, which was previously only available as an add-on, and it is now standard stuff in codes with both PHP and JavaScript in them. You want a huge PHP string array converted into a JavaScript array? No problem with JSON. Try it without JSON—and rots-o-ruck!
The good thing about our PHP scripts is that we took the time to write the tutorials as well as the time to test these scripts before putting them on our site.
W3Schools has said that "PHP runs on different platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.), and is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.). PHP is FREE to download from the official PHP resource:, and it is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side." PHP is a general-purpose scripting language originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. But what you and we care about is all the cool stuff you can do with it, as you can see below. Whether it's chat rooms, address books, private messaging, CMS, website indexing and website searching, or other neat stuff, the bottom line is that PHP is very neat stuff. In combination with MySQL it's even better. Throw in Ajax and JSON and you've got the recipe for wonderful websites, great applications, and endless hours of fun!
PHP Counters
PHP page view counter for website
PHP page visit counter with sessions for website
PHP page view counter for anywhere
How do you put PHP variables in URL and link text?
What is PHP Code for Multiple PSB Hosts?
What is Registration PHP Code for Multiple PSB Hosts?
What is Registration PHP Code for Multiple PSB Hosts with a captcha?
What is Administrator-PHP-Code-for-Multiple-PSB-Hosts?
What's the PHP code for a script for a PSB?
What's the PHP code for a script for PSB updating?
What's the PHP code for a script if you forgot your user name?
What's the PHP code for a script if you forgot your password?
What's the PHP code for a script to change a member's email address?
What's the PHP code for a script to connect to a MySQL database?
What's the PHP code for a script to close a member's account?
What's the PHP code for a script to edit group member?
What's the PHP code for a script to add group member?
What's the PHP code for a script to reset a MySQL table's data to its original?
What's the PHP code for a script to edit a MySQL table's data?
What's the PHP code for a script to change a username?
What's the PHP code for a script to change a password?
What's the PHP code for a script to delete group member?
What's the PHP code for a script to view membership data?
What's the PHP code for a script to change an administrator's password?
What's the PHP code for a script to logout?
What's the PHP code for a script to login?
Security levels from Javascript and PHP input filtering
How can I convert a Javascript array to a PHP array?
What is PHP Code to Prevent Duplicate Data Input - Like User Names or Members?
What is PHP Code for PSB Status Update for Multiple PSB Hosts?
How do I sort 1 PHP array and have the other arrays sort in parallel to how the first array sorts?
How do you do PHP-to-JavaScript String Conversion with No JSON?
How do you Convert PHP String to JavaScript String?
How do you Post a JavaScript Array to a PHP Array?
How do you send a value to PHP using JavaScript?
How do I add html to a web page with JavaScript, PHP or ssi includes?
How do I add html to a web page with PHP includes?
Info on unwanted primary field auto-sorting
More discussion on unwanted primary field auto-sorting
How can I do instant article font size, font family, and paragraph formatting with radio buttons?
How can I create custom HTML tags that are safer for MySQL databases?
Info on using custom HTML tags that are safer for MySQL databases
How can I edit text from MySQL databases by using a textarea box?
How can I highlight matched search terms in a MySQL database table search?
Info on using the PHP explode() function
Info on using the PHP count() function
How can I search through long strings for matches using the SELECT FROM WHERE LIKE SQL keywords?
How can I safely allow users to input HTML links without the danger of tags?
How can I safely allow users to input embedded videos without the danger of tags?
How can I safely allow users to input embedded audio sounds without the danger of tags?
How can I safely allow users to input HTML email "mailto" links without the danger of tags?
How can I safely delete records in a MySQL table?
What's the code for an Ajax and PHP Based Input Filter?
Ajax and PHP Based Insult Auto-Completer
How can I use PHP and MySQL for Checking Key Codes to Allow Update to a New Software App Version?
How can I use PHP and MySQL for running a poll or survey? (add vote to db table)
How can I use PHP and MySQL for running a guestbook? (view guestbook)
How can I use PHP and MySQL for running a guestbook? (add guest to guestbook)
How can I use PHP and MySQL for running a guestbook? (sign in to guestbook)
How can I register by email if I do not need to save registrant data in a MySQL table?
How can I get the links from a web page?
How can I view the source code of a web page remotely?
HTML code for actor questionnaire
PHP code for actor questionnaire
How to Use Inputted Comma Separated List to Look for a Match in Field with Comma Separated Values
PHP Script: exploding strings into arrays when the strings have multiple character delimiters
PHP Script: get a year of dates starting a certain number of days from a given date
Write Nearly Any Type of File with PHP
Write Flash Web Page File with PHP
Write MP3 Web Page File with PHP
Write YouTube Video Web Page File with PHP
Write Windows Media Video Web Page File with PHP
Write MPEG Video Web Page File with PHP
PHP and Ajax
cms view website directory with dynamic descriptions and thumbnails
Ajax and PHP Based Insult Auto Completer
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically using separate links per URL and Ajax
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically using Ajax
Ajax and PHP Based Input Filter
PHP and XPath
List Elements in HTML Document by Tag Name Using XPATH and PHP
List All Elements in HTML Document by Tag Name Using XPATH and PHP
List Specified Elements in XML Document by Tag Name Using XPATH and PHP
List Urls in XML Sitemap by Tag Name Using XPATH and PHP
List Elements in XML Document by Tag Name Using XPATH Query and PHP
List Child Nodes of Element in XML Document Using XPATH Query and PHP
List Urls in XML Sitemap Using XPATH Query and registerNamespace and PHP
List a Website's Audio Links Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
List a Website's Video Links Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
Grab Web Page Links and Video Links and Audio Links from Web Page
List a Website's Images Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
List a Website's External Links Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
List a Website's Page Urls Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
List a Website's Page Descriptions Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
List a Website's Page Titles Alphabetically Using XPATH and PHP
Get Links from Web Page Using XPATH and PHP
Count and Alphabetize Words on a Web Page
Search Website without Indexing Using XPATH and PHP
Free Website Indexing Script Using XPATH and PHP
Free Website Search Script Using PHP
Free Website Search Script and Tutorial
Create a Download Site Using XPATH and PHP
PHP Driven Free Website Search and Indexing Scripts and Tutorials
Free Website Search Script and Tutorial
Search forms for Free Website Search Script
Free Website Search Page Script and Tutorial
Free Website Indexing Script and Tutorial
PHP Driven Article Content Management System
Content Management System Introduction
Content Management System—Article Navigation
Content Management System—Article Indexing
Content Management System—Article Editing
Content Management System—Article Searching
Content Management System—Article Deleting
Content Management System—Article Writing
Content Management System—Article Reading
What are the terms of use for our Article Content Management System?
PHP Driven Website Directory Content Management System
Website Directory—Delete Category
Website Directory—Add Category
Website Directory—Directory Creating
Website Directory-View by Category (Demo Code)
Website Directory—View by URL (Demo Code)
Website Directory—View by Category (Demo)
Website Directory—View by URL (Demo)
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically
PHP based test of getting website thumbnails dynamically
PHP based test of getting website info and thumbnails dynamically using one link per URL
PHP based test of getting website info and thumbnails dynamically using separate links per URL
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically using Ajax
PHP based test of getting website info dynamically using separate links per URL and Ajax
test1.php: getting website info dynamically
test2.php: getting website thumbnails dynamically
test3.php: getting website info and thumbnails dynamically using one link per URL
test4.php: getting website info and thumbnails dynamically using separate links per URL
test5.php: getting website info dynamically using Ajax
test6.php: getting website info and thumbnails dynamically using separate links per URL and Ajax
Website Directory—without Websnapr (Demo)
PHP Driven Photo Gallery Content Management System
Code for Photo Gallery Navigation
Code for Photo Gallery—Add Category
Code for Photo Gallery—Delete Category
Code for Photo Gallery—Add Photo
Code for Photo Gallery—Delete Photo
Code for JavaScript Photo Gallery
PHP Driven Blog Content Management System
blog: topic and replies viewing page
blog: create topic in database
blog: delete topic in database
blog: delete reply in database
blog: create categories in database
blog: edit categories in database
blog: delete user account in members table
PHP Driven Forum Content Management System
Forum: topic and replies viewing page
Forum: create topic in database
Forum: delete topic in database
Forum: delete reply in database
Forum: delete user account in members table
PHP Driven Private Messaging Content Management System
Private Messaging on Your Website
Private Message Inbox — Received Messages
Private Message Outbox — Sent Messages
Check Private Message Session ID
Delete Received Private Message
PHP Driven Chat Room Content Management System
Chat Room: check db table for recent entries
Chat Room: administrator delete user accounts
Chat Room: logout users when they quit
PHP Driven Address Book
Address Book Sort Contacts By Name
Address Book Sort Contacts By Type
PHP Driven Image Upload without Write Permissions
How to Get Around Needing Write Permissions When Saving Images on Server
Make image into string to put in mysql to solve no write permissions problem
Read image immediately into mysql to solve no write permissions problem
Image enlarges on mouseover but uses PHP script in all image tags
Building a picture from scratch and displaying it on a web page but with no write permissions
PHP Driven JavaScript Charts and Graphs
Make Line Chart from User-Inputted Data
Make Line Chart from MySQL Table Data
Make Bar Chart from User-Inputted Data
Make Bar Chart from MySQL Table Data
Make Pie Chart from User-Inputted Data
Make Pie Chart from MySQL Table Data
PHP Driven Captchas for Registrations, Logins, Polls, etc.
PHP Captcha Scripts and Tutorials
PHP Captcha Scripts and Tutorial with Arithmetic Question
PHP Captcha Scripts and Tutorial with Text Copying
PHP Captcha Scripts and Tutorial with Simple Question Answering
PHP Captcha Scripts and Tutorial with reCAPTCHA
PHP Captcha Scripts and Tutorial with Google reCAPTCHA
PHP Driven HTML Form Creator Scripts
Administrative HTML Form Creator Scripts
Edit Options in HTML Form Creator Form
Administrator Page for HTML Form Creator
End-User HTML Form Creator Scripts
HTML Form Creator—Register with Captcha
HTML Form Creator—View Profile
HTML Form Creator—Edit Profile
HTML Form Creator—Search and Match
HTML Form Creator—Search and Match — Security
HTML Form Creator—Search and Match — JavaScript
HTML Form Creator—Search and Match — Form
HTML Form Creator—Search and Match — PHP
HTML Form Creator—Enter Record in Form
HTML Form Creator—View Record in Form
HTML Form Creator—Profile and Account Management
HTML Form Creator—Login to Profile and Account Management
HTML Form Creator—Logout of Profile and Account Management
HTML Form Creator—Delete Group Account
HTML Form Creator—Forgot User Name
HTML Form Creator—Forgot Password
HTML Form Creator—Form to Send Private Message
HTML Form Creator—Send Private Message
HTML Form Creator—Private Message Outbox
HTML Form Creator—Private Message Inbox
HTML Form Creator—Delete Private Message from Inbox
HTML Form Creator—Delete Private Message from Outbox
HTML Form Creator—Private Message Logout
HTML Form Creator—Search and Match Session Monitoring
HTML Form Creator—Configure File for Database Connection
HTML Form Creator—Captcha Script for Registration and Login
PHP Driven Customer Records Management
Customer Apps for Dealing with Product Keys and Email Addresses
Customer Email Address Change Form
Customer Email Address Change Form PHP Script
Customer Product Key Retrieval Request Form
Customer Product Key Retrieval Request Form PHP Script
Customer Form — We Manually Search for Your Key If You Lost Your Key During the Week You Ordered
Customer Form — We Manually Search for Your Key
Customer Form — We Manually Search for Your Key PHP Script
Administrator Apps for Dealing with Customer Records
Customer Records Management PHP Script
Sort Customer Records by Name PHP Script
Sort Customer Records by Email PHP Script
Add Customer Records PHP Script
Delete Customer Records PHP Script
Edit Customer Records PHP Script
View Customer Records PHP Script
Login to Customer Records Management PHP Script
Logout of Customer Records Management PHP Script
Register with Captcha to Administer Customer Records PHP Script
Register with Captcha to Administer Customer Records PHP Captcha Script
Check ID for Customer Records Management PHP Script
Display Emails and Names (for spreadsheet use) PHP Script
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match — Search for Compatible Groups
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match — Security
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match — JavaScript
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match — Form
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match — PHP
Microcommunity (MC) Registration Script — Enter Questionnaire Data in Database
MC Search and Match Profile and Account Management
Login to MC Search and Match Profile and Account Management
Logout of MC Search and Match Profile and Account Management
Delete Private Message from Inbox
Delete Private Message from Outbox
Private Message Session Monitoring
MC (Microcommunity) Search and Match Session Monitoring
Configure File for Database Connection
Captcha Script for Registration and Login
PHP Driven MC Scheduler Management
Replace This Week With Next Week
PHP Driven Personal Status Boards (PSB™)
Business PSB Plus (with Email)
So what's all this PSB stuff about?
Chart comparing business status boards
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Personal Status Boards (PSB™s)