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Free Social PSB

Free Social PSB Plus (with Email)

Free Business PSB

Free Business PSB Plus (with Email)

PSB demo

Social PSB demo

Business PSB demo

So what's all this PSB stuff about?

Chart comparing business status boards

PSB hosting diagram

PSB Licence Agreement

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MCS Investments, Inc. sitemap

PSBs, social networking, social evolution, microcommunities, personal status boards
PSBs, social networking, business personal status boards
website design, ecommerce solutions
website menus, buttons, image rotators
Ez-Architect, home design software
the magic carpet and the cement wall, children's adventure book
the squirrel valley railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds
the deep rock railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds

Customer Email Address Change Form

The scripts in the two link groups below are Customer Apps for Dealing with Product Keys and Email Addresses, and Administrator Apps for Dealing with Customer Records.

In our ecommerce world, products are sold by many different methods. Amongst these are getting out demos in various ways and when people try them, some of them are very pleased and they buy what's called a key. This unlocks the full feature set of the product when they enter it. There is a need to give the product users limited access to perform a few functions such as changing their emails, retrieving their keys from our database when they misplace them, etc. There is also a need for administrative functions to manage customer records. One needs to sort them, edit them, delete them, add them, view them, search them, register to be an administrator, login as administrator, etc.

If an ecommerce company does not have any of the applications below, it is forced to perform them the 20th century ways—by hand. This means paying for people to answer phones, write emails, keep paper files of customers, etc. The 21st century way is to let software perform these tasks, let websites and videos explain the product features, and let ecommerce close the sale and send the product.

Feel free to use these free Customer Records Management scripts in your business. Note: we know they work well for us (they are well tested), but we assume no liability for how they work in your situation. Similarly, we added lots of security measures such as extensive input filtering, but we make no claims and assume no liability for how securely they work in your situation.

The best security measure to take when using the administrative part of a system like this (meaning the Administrator Apps for Dealing with Customer Records, not the Customer Apps for Dealing with Product Keys and Email Addresses in which category the script below resides) is do not have any links ANYWHERE that link to the URLs of any of the admin files on the server, so neither hackers nor Google finds them. Then use the admin CMS yourself but do not even let your momma use it. Don't even save the link to the admin login as a Favorite, just to be secure. Just stick the login username and password in Roboform and make them impossible to guess. Then use Roboform to logon. The script below, and the other Customer Apps, are included online and linked to as part of the product web pages that make life easier for everyone. Their security is mainly handled via extreme input filtering. The Admin Apps are hidden, unlinked to, and well protected with security measures, password hashes and salts, etc.

This script is called email-address-change-form.html

Customer Apps for Dealing with Product Keys and Email Addresses

Administrator Apps for Dealing with Customer Records

As you will see below, the missing code at the start of the script is just navigation scripts for a specific website—not relevant to the general purpose script below. If you do not know how to make a navigation script, look it up on the internet or check out some of the navigation scripts in the tutorial scripts on this website. Anyway, the code shows a form in a div. The form action is this script: email-address-change-form.php. This processes the data which the user enters in the form on this page. Note that in order to get a user email address changed, the user must enter not only the old and new email addresses, but also one of the following: name (first and last), business name, or product key. The PHP script will ensure that this minimum amount of data gets entered. If it does not, or if the data is faulty, the user will get a message and no changes will occur.

If a user is not sure of the email address that was used when the product key was purchased, the user may try several emails, but only 1 at a time. Submit the form once for each email—until something works. See Customer Email Address Change Form PHP Script.

This script is called email-address-change-form.html


<center><div style='margin-top:170px'><h1><b>Customer Email Address Change</b></h1></div></center>

<DIV style="position:absolute; top:220px; left:200px; width:750px;">
<P>Change Your Email Address below. If you want to retrieve your keys, <a HREF="Customer-Key-Retrieval-Request.html">go here</a>.

Please enter the following information:</P>

<form method="post" action="email-address-change-form.php">
<TD align=middle colSpan=2><FONT color=red>*</FONT> Indicates Required fields.<BR><BR>
<tr><td align=middle colSpan=2>Do not use any accent characters or punctuation when entering your name [grave, accent, umlaut, tilde] or Mr. Ms. Sr. Jr. or other prefixes or suffixes.<BR></td></tr>
<TR><TD align=right><FONT color=red>*</FONT> <span style='color:red'>First Name</span>: </TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=30 name=First size=30 value=""><BR><BR></TD></TR>
<TR><TD align=right><FONT color=red>*</FONT> <span style='color:red'>Last Name</span>: </TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=30 name=Last size=30 value=""><BR><BR></TD></TR>
<tr><td align=middle colSpan=2>Business name. <span style='color:red'>*REQUIRED IF NAME FIELDS ARE LEFT EMPTY.</span> Don't include Inc or Ltd, etc.<BR></td></tr>
<TR><TD colspan=2>Business name: <INPUT maxLength=99 name=bizname size=99 value=""><BR><BR></TD></tr>
<TR><TD colspan=2><FONT color=red>*</FONT><span style='color:red'>Old email address</span><BR></TD></tr>
<TR><TD colspan=2>Old Email: <INPUT maxLength=255 name=email size=99 value=""><BR><BR></TD></tr>
<TR><TD colspan=2><FONT color=red>*</FONT><span style='color:red'>New email address</span><BR></TD></tr>
<TR><TD colspan=2>New Email: <INPUT maxLength=255 name=newemail size=99 value=""><BR><BR></TD></tr>
<tr><td align=middle colSpan=2>Customer key. <span style='color:red'>*REQUIRED IF NAME AND BUSINESS NAME FIELDS ARE LEFT EMPTY.</span><BR></td></tr>
<TR><TD colspan=2>Customer key: <INPUT maxLength=19 name=key size=19 value=""><BR><BR></TD></tr>
<TD><BR><INPUT name="" type=submit value=" Submit Form "><BR><BR></TD>
<TD><BR><INPUT name="" type=reset value=" Reset and Start Over "><BR><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM>