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Free Personal Status Boards (PSB™)

Free Standard Free PSB

Free PSB Pro Version

Free Social PSB

Free Social PSB Plus (with Email)

Free Business PSB

Free Business PSB Plus (with Email)

PSB demo

Social PSB demo

Business PSB demo

So what's all this PSB stuff about?

Chart comparing business status boards

PSB hosting diagram

PSB Licence Agreement

Copyright © 2002 -
MCS Investments, Inc. sitemap

PSBs, social networking, social evolution, microcommunities, personal status boards
PSBs, social networking, business personal status boards
website design, ecommerce solutions
website menus, buttons, image rotators
Ez-Architect, home design software
the magic carpet and the cement wall, children's adventure book
the squirrel valley railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds
the deep rock railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds

PSB Readme File


The Personal Status Board (PSB™) is our name for this software, which was invented as a concept by M.C. Smith in 1988, and created as an electronic device in 1988 as well, although software on the Internet is a more viable form, now. There just wasn't much of an Internet in 1988! PSB™s are intellectual property and software copyrighted and trademarked by no one except MCS Investments, Inc., and any use of these materials not complying with the terms in this document will result in legal action. So please honor our terms of use—it's really not too much to ask! Any legal, legitimate group that is not about violence or hate or crime or treason or porn may use our PSB™ software. The files in the PSB™ are all copyrighted material and you may NEVER sell any of them in any way (except if you bought the PSB™ legitimately, in which case you may sell it as long as you delete all your PSB™ files and tables afterwords—keeping no copies), nor may you change or omit the words PSB™ or Personal Status Board anywhere on your site or in the code or metatags.

There are actually three types of PSB™s: The first is the only free type of PSB™ and we refer to it as an MC PSB™. It uses only 1 user password and everyone uses it, and anyone can change anyone else's status at any time. The other 2 types are Social PSB™s and Business PSB™s wherein changing any one person's status and comment can be done only by that person himself or herself. For details, see:

—and get the full scoop.


MCS Investments, Inc. grants you the right to use this PSB™ software, subject to the following conditions:

By installing or using this software, you accept the terms of this licence with MCS Investments, Inc. This software and any accompanying documentation are the property of MCS Investments, Inc., and are licenced to you for your use only. Copying and/or distribution of the software or documentation in any form, except for the purpose of backup for your use only is strictly prohibited. You may use it on one database only and if you switch to a different database you must delete the tables from the first database, or move them to the new database. As host to administrators, you may sign up as many administrators as you like as long as you use only one database. MCS Investments, Inc. grants you the right to use one copy of this software for your use only. (The administrators and users that use it are fine, but only you may act as host of administrators.) This licence covers both the computer files (software) and the other content of the product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works of the software. Any infringement of the above conditions will lead to automatic cancellation of the licence to use the software.

This Personal Status Board (PSB™) software is provided "as-is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the authors or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary,or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Use it at your own risk. By using this Personal Status Board (PSB™) software, you agree to the terms of this license.


The configure.php file is a file used on most of the pages of the administrator's area. It's brought into the code base as an include file, which makes it act as if it were a block of code on the page. All it does is connect the administrator to the host's server and MySQL database. The various database tables dealt with on the various administrator pages require this configure file to empower the necessary connections. You, the host of administrators, must replace the generic email, username, password, and database names between the quotes (all are marked EDIT ME here for clarity) with real ones, and there's a chance that "localhost" may even need adjustment—but that's very unlikely. Do NOT edit anything else, especially the mysql_connect and mysql_select_db lines.

$psbhostemailaddress = "thepsbhostemailaddress"; //EDIT ME
$roothostname = "localhost";
$psbhostusername = "thepsbhostusername"; //EDIT ME
$psbhostpassword = "thepsbhostpassword"; //EDIT ME
$psbhostdatabasename = "thepsbhostdatabasename"; //EDIT ME
mysql_connect("".$roothostname."","".$psbhostusername."","".$psbhostpassword."") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("".$psbhostdatabasename."") or die(mysql_error());

If captcha registration is desired, you, the host of administrators, need to sign up at recaptcha and receive a public key and a private key to edit into the register-with-captcha.php file—otherwise, just use register.php, which requires no edits. About 80% of the way down the page you'll find code that looks like this:

$publickey = "6jfjftyr476ufyf57857tuguit7678687tugi76t78789689";
$privatekey = "6gjkgjhv5778tgij897yhli77yghukgkjg8678yighu6698";

Use the keys you get when you sign up in place of the above keys in the register-with-captcha.php file and save it.

In order to use these files, you also need to have a website to upload them to (after editing the configure.php file). We suggest putting them in a folder named PSB or Social-PSB or Business-PSB, depending on which product of ours you get. And get a MySQL database installed for you by the host (although you may find one waiting for you in your host's control panel so there's no need to ask the host for anything). And make sure your host server has PHP 5.2 or higher (PHP added a JavaScript Object Notation—JSON—extension to PHP V5.2, which was previously only available as an add-on, and it is enabled by default in PHP, but if your host has it disabled, have him enable it). Most hosting plans include MySQL databases and JSON-enabled PHP 5.2 or better anyway, so you just need to access the cPanel X control panel, go to the utility called MySQL Databases, enter a name for your MySQL database, scroll down to MySQL Users, Add New User, add a user name and password, select maximum permissions for this user name, save, then scroll down to Add User To Database where you indicate that your username may use your new database, and remember all this info for editing the configure.php file, above. Do not be concerned if your database and username get prefixes added to them by the control panel—this is normal. USE these prefixes when you edit the configure.php file.

We could have added the register.php page to the rest of the administrator's utilities on the Administrator Page, but did not do so for 2 reasons: To get to the Administrator's Page, the administrator must be logged in. But to log in, s/he must have a username and password. But to get a username and password, administrators must register. So—it wouldn't work to put registration utilities with the other utilities. The second reason is that it's best to have no link anywhere connected to either the register.php or the register-with-captcha.php pages. That way the spam crawlers and other nefarious characters will not find the page and will not curse you with spam, fake registrations, or worse. If there's no path to a page, it's crawler-proof. Administrators need to type:
http://your-website-address/PSB/register.php or
http://your-website-address/psb/register.php or
http://your-website-address/Social-PSB/register.php or
(depending on their choice of folder name and on whether they have the PSB™ Pro or Social PSB™ or Business PSB™) in the browser address bar in order to register. If they wish for a captcha sign-up, then the
http://your-website-address/PSB/register-with-captcha.php or
files will be used instead. Is it safe (spambot-wise) to save these as Favorites? As far as we know. By the way, logically you shouldn't need the captcha registration because a spambot has no path to find your registration page. But for extra security, go captcha.

The file login.php, like the file register.php, should be saved as Favorites in administrator browsers (with full URLs), and neither these files nor any of the rest of the PSB™ and/or administrator files should be used in links in any web page. Just because the files are on your site doesn't mean there ought to be a link to them.

The USERS need only to have the administrator give or email them their usernames and passwords and the full URL to the psb.php file and they're all set. Users should save the full URL to the psb.php file in a Favorite. If they end up needing edited status code meanings, usernames, passwords, or whatever, they should tell or email the administrator about this. Their PSB™ Favorite should look like:
(depending on which of our products they have).

The file login.php has a code that happens when you click on a Home link: <a href="../index.html"> This assumes you have put all the administrator utility files in a folder on your site such as this:
http://your-website-address/PSB/ —for PSB™ Pro users or
http://your-website-address/Social-PSB/ —for Social PSB™ users or
http://your-website-address/Business-PSB/ —for Business PSB™ users.
If you put them in your root domain, like
http://your-website-address/anyoftheadministratorfiles.php ,
then you need to change <a href="../index.html"> to <a href="index.html">. However, if your home page is index.php or home.htm or whatever, change the index.html page name to your home page name, using ../ if appropriate.

The file logout.php has a code that happens when you click on the Logout menu item in the Administrator Page: window.location = "../index.html"; This assumes you have put all the administrator utility files in a folder on your site such as this:
If you put them in your root domain, like
http://your-website-address/anyoftheadministratorfiles.php ,
then you need to change window.location = "../index.html"; to window.location = "index.html"; However, if your home page is index.php or home.htm or whatever, change the index.html page name to your home page name, using ../ if appropriate.

Included is a diagram named psb.png that will help you see how all the parts fit together: Servers, databases, MySQL, host of administrators, administrators, users, and PSB™s. Check it out.

Want free hosting and MySQL databases? Here http://www.free-webhosts.com/free-mysql-database.php are 118 free website hosting sites that offer free MySQL databases to use on their web servers.

QUESTIONS? PLEASE GO TO: http://www.css-resources.com/PSB.html