The Configure File
The configure.php file is a file used on most of the pages of the administrator's area. It's brought into the code base as an include file, which makes it act as if it were a block of code on the page. All it does is connect the administrator to the host's server and MySQL database. The various database tables dealt with on the various administrator pages require this configure file to empower the necessary connections. The host must replace the generic email, username, password, and database name between the quotes (all are marked EDIT ME) with real ones, and there's a chance that "localhost" may even need adjustment—but that's very unlikely.
$psbhostemailaddress = "thepsbhostemailaddress"; //EDIT ME
$roothostname = "localhost";
$psbhostusername = "thepsbhostusername"; //EDIT ME
$psbhostpassword = "thepsbhostpassword"; //EDIT ME
$psbhostdatabasename = "thepsbhostdatabasename"; //EDIT ME
mysql_connect("".$roothostname."","".$psbhostusername."","".$psbhostpassword."") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("".$psbhostdatabasename."") or die(mysql_error());