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PSBs, social networking, business personal status boards
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the deep rock railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds

Facebook Statistics and Studies


74% of US young adults age 12-24 use Facebook to some degree, but certain types of mobile technology are the basic communication method for most, namely cell phone texting and cell phone voice. Cell phone texting has become the preferred channel of basic communication among US teens and their friends, with cell calling a close second, according to findings from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Fifty-four percent of teens use texting daily, and texting has now overtaken the frequency of every other common form of interaction with their friends. The next-most-common form of communication, talking on a cell phone, is used by 38% of teens on a daily basis.

The use of status update messaging on Facebook generates a feeling of connectedness between users, according to studies. Furthermore, non-parametric analyses distinguishing between low- and highconnected groups have been performed and experimentally confirmed the existence of distinct user profiles as a function of the variable “feeling connected”. The analyses showed that the more individuals use their status message function to actively reveal information about themselves, the more connected they feel. Connectedness seems to be the result of active information sharing which is affected by the amount of information shared rather than by the type of information an individual is sharing.

Social networks dominated by Facebook now account for 22.7 percent of the hours spent in front of a computer, a leap of 43 percent over last year's figures. According to the Neilsen Co. report, the shift to social networks for communication caused a precipitous drop in email and instant messaging. Time spent emailing was down 28 percent and instant messaging dropped 15 percent.

Facebook offers direct messages as well as instant chats, so it may be that the 500 million Facebook users are opting to use a single service, Facebook, rather than additional email and IM services outside of Facebook.